Joelle & Clinic Recieve The HIRE Vets Medallion Award

Joelle And Clinic Receive The HIRE Vets Medallion Award!🎖️


What is the HIRE Vets Medallion Award?

The HIRE Vets Medallion Award is the only federal-level veterans’ employment award that recognizes a company or organization’s commitment to veteran hiring, retention, and professional development. Its criteria allows for the highest level of recognition for employers who are committed to supporting our nation’s heroes. Our clinic is one of two therapy clinics nationwide to receive this honor, and the only one in California!

Employers who receive this award demonstrate to others the importance of prioritizing and encouraging successful veteran hiring and retention. The HIRE Vets Medallion Program is administered by the Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS).

As a team, we include current and former Air Force members, spouses/family members of veterans, and spouses of first responders. JRM&A is personally committed to providing high-quality care to our many veteran clients. 

CEO, Joelle Rabow Maletis and her team of therapists work heavily with active/former military personnel, and have a strong understanding of trauma, PTSD, and complex-PTSD. Furthermore, Joelle works closely with her therapists on education around military psychology, as well as the specific needs of military populations. 

You can learn more about this honor by visiting the link below.


At JRM&A we lead with compassionate, trauma-informed therapeutic models that are personalized and solution-focused to help support our client’s needs and attain their personal goals.


You can reach us at (650)-386-6753 or info@joellerabowmaletis to share your comments, ask questions or schedule an appointment.

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