Missing The Narcissist: What To Do

Missing The Narcissist: What To Do

The biggest thing to remember is how lonely you were. Their presence often brought more loneliness. Did you ever really have genuine conversations? Did you ever feel heard or listened to? Did you cry yourself to sleep because of all the yelling? When missing the narcissist, remember your worth. You deserve respect and kindness. Healthy relationships thrive on trust and empathy. Watch for red flags and prioritize self-care. Seek support from friends, family, or a counselor. Focus on moving forward, creating a fulfilling life for yourself. You deserve happiness and fulfillment.


How Lonely We Can Feel From Being With A Narcissist

Sometimes we experience symptoms related to loneliness while being with a narcissist. In the moment, it may be difficult to comprehend how that individual is making us feel. However, when we take space from a narcissist, it is easier to detect how lonely their presence actually makes us feel. 

People who are narcissistic can often make others feel lonely due to their inability to pay attention to other people’s needs. This inability to empathize with others can make it harder for a narcissist to be compassionate towards other people. Narcissists that lack empathy and compassion for those around them can ultimately cause people to feel unseen or lonely. Feelings of loneliness can cause people to begin to question their worthiness of love. Therefore, it is not surprising to connect loneliness to people in relationships with narcissists.

Missing The Narcissist: What To Do

How The Presence Of A Narcissist Can Affect Your Relationship

The presence of a narcissist may appear differently in each relationship. Although, narcissistic presences do share traits that can negatively affect your relationship. For example, people in relationships with narcissists may feel emotionally drained. Narcissists tend to crave a lot of attention and support from their partner. They feed off of praise and approval. Oftentimes, narcissists will neglect the emotional needs of their partner due to their ego.

Narcissists typically have a large presence. The size of their presence makes it easier to miss them because of how much space they took up emotionally. People who identify as a narcissist tend to want to be the center of attention. They thrive off of making other people feel inferior when it comes to comparing themselves. As highlighted above, narcissists maintain an ego that needs to be fed. Narcissists will without a doubt compete with those around them. This behavior can be detrimental to relationships and the likelihood of them succeeding.

Missing The Narcissist: What To Do

Reasons As To Why You Might Miss A Narcissist

  1. Familiarity
    • Narcissists tend to be really good at convincing people to trust them. In doing so, you fall into the trap of getting used to tolerating toxic behaviors that become difficult to let go of.
  2. Validation/Approval
    • Oftentimes we crave the validation of a narcissist and can miss the feeling of chasing it even when it’s unattainable.
  3. Withdrawal Symptoms
    • Being with a narcissist can be addictive in nature. Sometimes we miss the intense trauma bond that coincides with being in a relationship with a narcissist. These feelings are often associated with the highs and lows of a relationship involving someone that is narcissistic.
  4. Loneliness
    • Sometimes it is hard to be alone. During periods of time when we feel lonely, it is common to miss people that may not be good for us.

How Does Seeking Support Help Your Well-Being

It is important to receive the support and help you need when ending a relationship with a narcissist. Reaching out to family and friends can tremendously improve your journey to heal. Being surrounded by the people you love can help remind you that you are important and you are worthy of love. 

Self-compassion can also make a huge difference after separating from a narcissist. Being able to forgive yourself and accept the past for what it is can help you move forward. Having empathy for yourself can help you seek out the help of a clinical counselor in the case that you are suffering from depression as a result of being with a narcissist. Taking care of your mental health can help alleviate past relationship trauma from worsening in the future. It can also be useful to talk to a mental health professional in order to find the best path for you to heal and keep moving forward.

Missing The Narcissist: What To Do

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