How To Stop Overthinking & Self-Doubt

How To Stop Overthinking & Self-Doubt

Overthinking and self-doubt go hand in hand which is why you may find it difficult to stop doing both. People who overthink tend to flood their mind with thoughts of every potential outcome for a specific situation. It is easy to get lost in our thoughts. It is also easy to begin creating a mindset that involves self-doubt. Self-doubt is another habit that can be hard to recognize and detrimental to your relationship with yourself and others.


What Is Overthinking?

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines overthinking as:

“to think too much about (something) : to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful.”

At least once in your life you have experienced a moment where you may have spent a little too much time thinking about something or someone. It is normal to overthink. Overthinking is often used as a tool to analyze various situations and problem solve.

On the other hand, overthinking can also be a sign of anxiety. Stressful situations can cause us to become anxious and overthink. Overthinking can present itself in many ways. The most common way overthinking can be seen is through the excessive amount of thoughts a person has over a specific situation. Most of the time people who are overthinkers have a difficult time breaking this habit.

Why Do We Second-Guess Ourselves?

There are many reasons as to why people second-guess themselves. Oftentimes it boils down to fears, anxiety, and a lack of self-confidence. Many people are scared of making the wrong decision. This fear stems from the mindset that there are only right and wrong answers. People with this mindset believe that there is only one perfect way of living.

As many of us know, there are a lot of different ways to solve problems. Second-guessing ourselves is partly due to the fact that we feel insecure about our decision making. Decisions are hard to make. However, the less we second-guess ourselves the more confident we ultimately will be in our decisions.

How To Stop Overthinking & Self-Doubt

Common Signs Your Overthinking

There are several signs that point to overthinking. For example, overthinking can consist of mulling over the past or worrying about the future. Some people may spend large amounts of time worrying about past decisions. They may also spend this time dwelling on a current issue in their life that they are unable to solve.

Overthinking often manifests as constant worrying, even about things beyond your control. It can also interfere with sleep, as a racing mind makes it difficult to rest.

Strategies To Stop Overthinking And To Stop Second-Guessing Yourself

There are different types of strategies you can use to stop overthinking and to stop second-guessing yourself. The first step is to learn how to recognize when you are overthinking. For example, you may struggle to relax, constantly feel worried, or feel mentally exhausted. 

Mindfulness techniques can help you stay present and avoid overthinking. Mediation is a great example of mindfulness, because it helps train your brain to focus on the positive and to redirect your thoughts. Self-acceptance is another strategy that can help you forgive yourself for past decisions that you may regret. Journaling is also another powerful tool that can help you organize your thoughts.

Working on increasing your self-confidence and self-awareness can reduce the amount of time spent on second-guessing yourself. Improving your interpersonal skills can really make an impact on your thought process. Additionally, reaching out to a therapist can help. Therapy can help guide you through how to handle moments of overthinking and second-guessing, which can set you up with tools for success.

How To Stop Overthinking & Self-Doubt

How To Build Confidence In Yourself

Building confidence in yourself can tremendously help you stop overthinking and doubting yourself. One way you can build confidence in yourself is by letting go of the fear of failure. By accepting the possibility of imperfection you are able to allow yourself the space to worry less about outcomes. Changing your mindset can also help you build trust in not only yourself but also in your decision making. Confidence is a powerful tool to tackle overthinking and self-doubt.

How To Stop Overthinking & Self-Doubt

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