June is PTSD Awareness Month! The Importance of Early Detection of PTSD With Military Members and Veterans

In honor of June being Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, we wanted to take this opportunity to educate our clients on the importance of early detection of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For some, being diagnosed with a mental illness is considered abnormal or taboo, especially in the veteran community. Where you served […]
#100DaysOfMasksAndSelfLoveChallenge For Surviving Another Year of COVID-19

Year 2 of this pandemic has proven to be a continuation of more of the same old same old difficult slog. At the same time, we are starting to get glimpses of a more positive and normal feeling future. But we aren’t there yet, and more is needed to help us get through the second […]
When Trauma Takes Over – STOP and GO; Regain Control

Relationship safety is vital to our survival, and when we don’t have it, we feel abandoned and left traumatized. Our brain and protective flight-fight-freeze defense system is a fine-tuned machine. Our nervous system helps protect us by triggering the brain to recognize unsafe relationships quickly. Usually, this happens subconsciously, driving our survival instinct. With trauma, […]