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How To Stop Caring What Others Think?

How To Stop Caring What Others Think?

Other people’s opinions can be hard to shake. It is easy to put too much weight on what others think of us, and it is normal to feel pressured to maintain an image that meets their approval. That image might

Why Do I Self-Sabotage When Things Go Well?

Why Do I Self-Sabotage When Things Go Well?

Have you ever found yourself sabotaging a perfect opportunity? Do you ever stop to think about why you are disrupting something good in your life? Success can bring a whirlwind of doubts and anxiety, making it easy to feel overwhelmed.

Is Emotional Numbness Normal?

Is Emotional Numbness Normal?

Emotional numbness is a normal feeling everyone experiences at some point in their lives. There are several contributing factors that can lead to feelings of emotional numbness such as stress, trauma, substance use, and mental health conditions. The effects of

How to Break Free From A Narcissist’s Pull

How to Break Free From A Narcissist’s Pull

Breaking free from a narcissist’s pull can be incredibly hard. Narcissists often use tactics like love-bombing, guilt-tripping, and manipulation to keep their partners trapped in the relationship. Over time, this behavior can create a trauma bond, making it even harder

How To Stop Overthinking & Self-Doubt

How To Stop Overthinking & Self-Doubt

Overthinking and self-doubt go hand in hand which is why you may find it difficult to stop doing both. People who overthink tend to flood their mind with thoughts of every potential outcome for a specific situation. It is easy

How Doomscrolling Affects Dating

How Doomscrolling Affects Dating

Dating is already challenging, and doomscrolling only adds to the difficulty. It can create unexpected barriers in relationships. Some seemingly harmless, like a partner constantly sending memes or Instagram reels. However, it can also be more harmful, such as when

Doomscrolling And Its Effect On Your Mental Health

Doomscrolling And Its Effect On Your Mental Health

Doomscrolling is a popular habit that affects the mental health of many people. Have you ever caught yourself staying up late at night mindlessly scrolling on your phone? Or did you stay up all night watching the reels your friends

Why Is It So Hard To Leave A Narcissist?

Why Is It So Hard To Leave A Narcissist?

Wondering why you can’t seem to break free from the toxic grip of a narcissist? It is because of a trauma bond. When you find yourself caught in the grip of a toxic relationship, the trauma bond keeps you tethered

Missing The Narcissist: What To Do

Missing The Narcissist: What To Do

The biggest thing to remember is how lonely you were. Their presence often brought more loneliness. Did you ever really have genuine conversations? Did you ever feel heard or listened to? Did you cry yourself to sleep because of all