Our Blog

How to Control Road Rage

As COVID-19 vaccinations are becoming more prevalent and life is returning to normal, more people will be driving on the road. We want to take this opportunity to minimize the likelihood of individuals being overwhelmed with emotions while driving.  First,

How To Cope With Change

Change is natural to life, and it is inevitable as this summer ends and fall is approaching. For some, school is restarting. For others, we might be starting a new job, moving to a different city or experiencing the loss

How To Stay Body Positive This Summer Post-COVID-19

Every summer, nearly everyone strives for a “perfect summer body” that is “thin”, “fit” and “tan”. We see videos, pictures, films, TV shows and social media content of “slim” and “athletic” models in swimsuits on the Internet and social media.

When Trauma Takes Over – STOP and GO; Regain Control

Relationship safety is vital to our survival, and when we don’t have it, we feel abandoned and left traumatized. Our brain and protective flight-fight-freeze defense system is a fine-tuned machine.  Our nervous system helps protect us by triggering the brain